Came with marks from the factory, hence reduced price.
Key Features
A elevator positions the mouthpiece in the middle of the cheekpiece making the purchase and shank equal length. The Elevator Loren purchase and shank are curved slightly backward, allowing for a nose-out head position when working. The Elevator Loren is designed to apply both poll pressure and leverage to the mouth piece; although the curved back shank and purchase helps to reduce some of the leverage that the longer purchase creates. As a fixed cheekpiece, it should be fitted snug to reduce any sliding of the mouthpiece, but therefore also applies the leverage to the mouthpiece very quickly, requiring good hands.
Similar to the Ported Barrel, the Pivot Ported will take pressure off the tongue however, the contact is more stable due to less movement in the mouth piece. The best of the Happy Tongue and the Ported Barrel. The Pivot Ported allows for independent lateral aids while maintaining the profile of the mouthpiece in the mouth.
The Elevator Loren has 2 size models, a short and long version. The longer has a greater purchase and shank, creating potentially more leverage on the pressure points while allowing for more hand movement and regulation of the pressure exerted. It is a popular show jumping and cross country bit as it offers more control and precision. It has a lifting effect and is especially good for show jumping as you can sit the horse more on its hocks and turn tight.
Equi-Site focuses on quality, affordibility and the urge to be able to offer quality equestrian products not yet availabe in South Africa.
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Highly recommend their service. Friendly, efficient, and reliable. Continuous feedback from ordering until after delivery! Will definitely order again!